
New to Old?
Celebrities #2

 All 5 Star Trek captains 

 The Rock and The Rock Sr 

 haven't changed much, huh? 

 Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island 

 Janis Joplin 

 Tony Hawk 

 Youngest known picture of Abraham Lincoln. 

 Weird Al 

 Wonder Woman! 

 Adam Sandler Pimpin' 

 Weird Al 

 "Abraham Lincoln, before and after the Civil War" 

jokes #1 | eerie | deep | Friends | sunrises & sunsets #3 | Pre-Jesus Band Covers | Quotes #1 | Celebrities #2 | Nostalgia #1 | Cute #1 | positive | Cool #1 | viral events | art | Movie Favorites | Celebrities #3 | Jake & Jason | Reddit #2 | backgrounds - iPhone 003 | smart | hilarious | (YouTube) Movie Trailers | Celebrities #4 | Weird | inspiring | Jake's 127 Phenomenon #2 | vehicles | adorable | Post-Jesus Rock | Jesus-like | Sunflowers (Helianthus) | Jason's Pics 003 | sunrises & sunsets #2 | Jake's 127 Phenomenon #1 | media | Wholesome | programming humour #1 | God-thang(s) | sunrises & sunsets #5 | iconic | Jake's 127 Phenomenon #3 | Keanu | nursing humor | All-In-One Images | Jason's Pics 002 | Car paraphernalia | Food #1 | p rogramming humour #4 | Genius Moment | Music Choices | sweet! |  Chick Tracks | Celebrities #1 | Post-Jesus Worship | backgrounds - iPhone 004 | (YouTube) Great Christian Videos | backgrounds #1 | -Reddit #3 | useful information #1 | backgrounds - iPhone 001 | hil-ar-i-ous! #2 | Jason | Dallas | Jason's Pics 005 | trips: Dallas Zoo | useful information #3 | Cool #2 | Jake | Sparkie-Bytes | hil-ar-i-ous! #1 | sunrises & sunsets #1 | Reddit #1 | Jake #2 | Cool #3 | Jake & Jason Events | awesome | Nostalgia #2 | techie | backgrounds - iPhone 002 | sunrises & sunsets #4 | semi-random licence plates #1 | Jason's Pics 004 | programming humour #3 | f unny #1 | impressive | Jason's Pics 001 | useful information #2 | u seful information #4 | sunrises & sunsets #6 | Post-Jesus Rap | interesting #1 | programming humour #2 | Cool #4 | Pets: Sarah (Maltese) | Pretty | Life | Jake's 127 Phenomenon #4